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Decentralized Apps (dapps)

Activity in Web3 is done with something called decentralized apps or dapps.
Most dapps don't even require payment to get started; i'll point out ones where payment is needed.

Social and Blogging

Yup: Social Crossposting

Yup is an app that allows you to post to multiple social media accounts at once.
Bluesky, Twitter, Lens, and Farcaster are supported. Threads support is currently broken.

Yup is free. However, Lens and Farcaster profiles require payment to create.

The Lens Protocol: Social on the Chain

The Lens Protocol is a social network protocol that hosts many apps that all work with each other.
You create a profile on the Lens website (https://lens.xyz), but you post from apps like Hey and Orb.

Lens profiles cost either $10 by payment card or 8 MATIC (about $5) in crypto.
Most actions on the Lens Protocol are free. Collecting posts with a pricetag or Super Following will cost money.

Also, don't pester me about Farcaster. It's been a problem for me. See this Lens post.

Mirror: Blockchain-based Blogging

Mirror is a blogging platform based on a blockchain called Arweave.
It has a clean interface, collectible posts, and the ability to subscribe to (follow) blogs you like.

Collecting an entry costs money (most commonly 0.00069 ETH, about $3). Creating entries is free.

NFTs: Digital Collecting

NFTs (stands for non-fungible tokens) are like digital Funko Pops.
Mint them or buy them second-hand, and they'll usually appear in your wallet.
They can even be displayed publicly. Places like Zora and OpenSea can showcase your collection.
If you see an ENS name, you can even use an ENS profile viewer to see a collection (see my collection at https://rainbow.me/littlebit670.eth)

Zora: NFT for beginners

Zora is a place to create and collect NFTs. It's a great place to start for beginners, whether you want to collect or create.

Minting NFTs costs money. On Zora, the most common cost is 0.000777 ETH (about $3).
If you're just getting started, you can buy and consume Mint Tokens (Mints) instead of ETH to mint most NFTs on Zora.
You will also need some ETH to create an NFT, and the cost depends on the chain. I recommend Zora or Base.

Mint Fun: Explore more NFTs

Mint Fun is a place where you can find a variety of different NFTs across the entire Ethereum ecosystem.
There are many different filters to help you find something you want to collect.

Minting and creating NFTs costs money. Unlike Zora, costs may vary.

More dapps

Ethereum.org has a list of dapps that you can look at.
Contrary to what it says, you don't always need any ETH (or other cryptocurrency) to get started.
Coinbase also has a list of dapps that is more comprehensive than Ethereum.org's list.

Want to add a dapp?

If you're a crypto user who wants me to try a dapp (preferably a free-to-start one), then you can message me.
I accept messages on Discord (littlebit670), Twitter, and Matrix.