Warpcast/Farcaster Warnings
Here are some things you should know before gettings started with Farcaster or the Warpcast app.
Onboarding Fee
Creating a Farcaster profile costs $3 through your phone's app store. Farcaster charges these fees due to its onchain architecture.
Storage Units
Storage units are required to use Farcaster. The onboarding fee includes 1 storage unit, enough for 5000
casts, 2500 follows, and 2500 likes/recasts.
You can get extra storage units in the Warpcast app or on caststorage.com.
Storage units last for 1 year.
Third-Party Apps
Some third-party apps can post to your Farcaster profile. However, giving an app permission to post is
not free.
Allowing an app to post costs $1 through your phone's app store, or 10 Warps (currency specific to
The payment is required due to Farcaster's architecture; Farcaster uses an onchain signer to allow
third-party apps to post to your profile.
Due to the onchain nature, the fee is required because of onchain transaction fees (gas fees). Learn
more about signers here.
Using Warps
Warps are a currency specific to Warpcast. A desktop web browser is required to purchase
Actions that use Warps:
- Giving write access to a third-party app (10 Warps)
- Minting certain NFTs (cost varies, example is free Zora NFTs that cost 50 Warps to mint)
- Cover a friend's onboarding fee (500 Warps)
- Gift Warps to a user through a post (10 Warps)
- Gift Warps to a user on their profile page (100 Warps)
- Create a channel (2500 Warps, paid yearly)