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Getting Started

Getting started in Web3 involves two things: a wallet, and dapps.
You don't need to buy any cryptocurrencies yet.

Get a Wallet

There are many wallets out there. See this site's wallet guide to find a wallet.
The wallet is your account in Web3. The address (like mine, 0xC5F3...9de9) is your identifier.
You can also pay for a username by getting an ENS domain. (like mine, littlebit670.eth)

Exploring Dapps

Dapps (stands for "decentralized apps") are the web apps that are a part of Web3.
Many dapps are free to start, all you need is a wallet.
See this website's dapps page for a list of some good dapps.

Need to pay for something?

In some instances, you might want to pay for something on Web3.
If you want to buy cryptocurrencies, then I would recommend using Coinbase.